Star wars galactic battlegrounds custom campaigns
Star wars galactic battlegrounds custom campaigns

  • Hvy Weapons Factory units attack 10% faster.
  • Trains Nightsisters instead of Jedi/Sith.
  • Zann Consortium - A vast criminal organization based on infiltration and sabotage.
  • (Fortress Bonus) Fortresses add +5 Population Room, can garrison +5 units.
  • (Team Bonus) Unique Fortress Units cost 10% less to train.
  • Basic Armor, Light Armor, Hvy Armor available for free requires War Center.
  • Workers gain Basic Training automatically.
  • Retains the original CIS buildset, unique units and Geonosian Diligence and Geonosian Engineers technologies, while adding Beast Training, Hailfire Rocket Pods, and Enhanced Dexterity.
  • Geonosians - A new civilization based on the hive race of Geonosis.
  • (Fortress Bonus) Fortresses deal bonus damage to temple units.
  • (Team Bonus) Cargo Hovercrafts return +25% Nova.
  • Military buildings cost 10% less to construct.
  • Aircraft take 5% longer to build, and are 5% more expensive.
  • Mech Factory Technologies work 15% faster.
  • Confederacy - The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) is separated from the original Geonosian based civilization, with a new buildset, holding the Confederacy Alliance and Droid Upgrades technologies, and adding Battlefield Scanners and (Nova) Fusion Extractor.
  • star wars galactic battlegrounds custom campaigns

  • 3.2 New unique technologies of old civilizations:.
  • 3.1 Unique technologies of new civilizations:.

  • Star wars galactic battlegrounds custom campaigns